Schieveling Plantation HOA

Neighborhood info and news!

Schieveling Plantation HOA

Club House Rented

Schieveling Club House & Back Porch 3000 MacBeth Creek Cr, Charleston, SC, United States

Club House and Porch Rented

A Day at Schieveling

Schieveling Club House & Back Porch 3000 MacBeth Creek Cr, Charleston, SC, United States

A Day at Schieveling Local music.... Fire Chief to speak .... Organized events for children.... Bring some food and BYOB, grill is available.... Raindate: Sunday, May 18th @ Noon til 5pm. Tom Conroy  

Club House Rented

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Club House and Back Porch Rented...