Schieveling Plantation HOA

Neighborhood info and news!

Schieveling Plantation HOA

HOA Board Meeting

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Book Club

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Heft by Liz Moore (this is the last book of our old selections)

Lowes Goody Box Distribution

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Boxes available inside  club house 6pm - 7pm for pick up.

Club House Rented

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Club House Back Porch Rented

Schieveling Club House & Back Porch 3000 MacBeth Creek Cr, Charleston, SC, United States

tables and chairs provided

HOA Meeting

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

Book Club

Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United States

The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd