Club House Rented
Schieveling Club House 3000 Macbeth Creek Drive, Charleston, SC, United StatesTable and Chairs
Table and Chairs
I kept this open in hopes we could have a Holiday Celebration. Date can be changed.
Please mark your calendars for December 17th, 5-7:30. Immortal Lobster Food truck will be at the clubhouse serving up some delicious lobster yummies. Hope to see you all there!
Club House and Porch Rented
Club House and Porch Rented
The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Quiet Girl by SF Kosa
Agenda President’s Report-Linda Logan Widner Community Business Reserve Study in Process with Global Solutions-there will be a called meeting to share the results Hot water heater replacement in process Landscaper-receiving bids from potential companies (issues with previous company) Ditch/drainage quotes-in … Continue reading