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HOA Meeting
February 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
President’s Report-Linda Logan Widner
Community Business
- Reserve Study in Process with Global Solutions-there will be a called meeting to share the results
- Hot water heater replacement in process
- Landscaper-receiving bids from potential companies (issues with previous company)
- Ditch/drainage quotes-in process
- Motion lights for clubhouse area-in process
- Driveway repairs-pending
- AT&T work-should receive notice from IMC and AT&T regarding dates-upgrading lines for service
Nominating Committee
- 3 needed
- Interested: Kelly Widner, Tom Davis
- Other
- Vote
Preparation for Annual Meeting
- Candidates needed for President, Vice President, Treasurer as well as ARB
- Can self nominate by speaking to nominating committee member, form, or board
- Vote May 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report-Denis Lesieur
Committee Reports
- Clubhouse
- Social
- Pool
- Maintenance
- Grounds
- Playground update